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           CAR WASH PASS

 Want a clean, dry and shiny car all the time?  Adam's Royal Car Wash Membership Program makes it easy to always have a clean car! For one low monthly fee, you can enjoy all the benefits listed below.


Royal Treatment Wash Plan $40.00/month
The Works Wash Plan $30.00/month
Deluxe Wash Plan  $25.00/month
Basic Wash Plan $20.00/month

$5 discount off any unlimited plan when you add a second vehicle

Unlimited Soft Cloth Tunnel Membership Benefits:

  • Wash As Often As You Like (Once a day)

  • Fast, Easy & Convenient

  • One Low Monthly Fee

  • $$$ SAVE!  The more you wash, the lower your average price per wash and the more you save.

Here's How it Works:​

  • An RFID sticker is affixed to your windshield which is read by our system and automatically lets our computer system know your a member.

  • Membership fee automatically billed to your credit or debit card on your signup date each month.

  • A replacement fee of $3.00 will be charged if the unlimited pass is lost, destroyed or if you need to transfer your pass to a new vehicle.

  • Membership is per vehicle. 

  • Sign up today and start enjoying that clean car feeling with your Unlimited Washes, every day!

  • Save $5 when you sign up a second vehicle


VIP Membership Benefits:

  • Wash 4 times a month at one low price

  • Fast, Easy & Convenient

  • One Low Monthly Fee

  • Here's How it Works:​

  • Sign up at the 24hr Payment Kiosk located in front of the Touchless Car Wash. We use license plate tracking technology to identify your vehicle and to activate your membership.

  • Membership fee automatically billed to your credit or debit card on your signup date each month.

  • A replacement fee of $3.00 will be charged if the unlimited pass is lost, destroyed or if you need to transfer your pass to a new vehicle.

  • Membership is per vehicle. 

CERAMIC TSNUAMI Wash Plan $40.00/month
HURRUCANE Wash Plan $30.00/month
CYCLONE Wash Plan  $25.00/month
THUNDERSTORM Wash Plan $20.00/month


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